From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Node basics - COMP

Node basics - COMP

- [Man] We're going to take a look at the component nodes in TouchDesigner, so here we are at the top level of our project. I'm going to click on project one, hit the I key to go in, and here you see we just have an empty canvas to work in, so I'm going to hit the tab key to bring up our node list and go over to the component tab. I'm going to lay down a container, so I'm going to click on container, put it there. All right, so now you can see we just have an empty container, and we use these for all sorts of different things from building different little sections of our project to user interfaces and such. Obviously, you see we have a lot of parameters up here. I'm going to click on this and hit the I key to go inside. Now we're inside that container. You can see in our path list up here, you can see where we are in our project, and for example, if we were building a 3D project, now I could hit tab, lay down a camera, hit tab, lay down some geometry, and you could see that…
