Dal corso: Learning TouchDesigner

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Node basics - CHOP

Node basics - CHOP

- Alright, so in our start project file here, I'm going to click on Project 1 and dive into there, and here we are in our blank canvass. And what we're going to look at in this video is, we're going to look at CHOPs, which is Channel Operators, and this is a very important part of TouchDesigner that we'll be using in a lot of different ways. And this really is the core of the procedural animation toolset that we have inside this environment. So let's just dive into this. I'm going to hit Tab, and I'm going to go over to our CHOPs, these are our green nodes, and the first one we want to do is we want to do a noise. So I'm going to type N-O-I, and we get Noise, and let me lay this down here and zoom in. Alright, and so you can see that we just have some procedural noise that's been generated here. So, what I'm going to do now, is I'm going to lay down another CHOP that we use a lot, which is Filter. Filter. Lay that down here, I'm going to press play, and you can see that in this CHOP…
