From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Connect an OSC input to camSwitcher

Connect an OSC input to camSwitcher - TouchDesigner Tutorial

From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

Connect an OSC input to camSwitcher

- [Teacher] Now that we have our OSC data coming into our scene, now we're going to start wiring it into the UI. So let's go into the project. We've got our control module we built. We can see that the data is working. The first thing we're going to do is we're going to take the cam switcher data and we're going to wire that up to our cam switcher buttons. So go into UI. And the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to make a Select CHOP. So let's lay that down. We're going to go up a level into control/out1. So this grabs all the channels in the out1 node in our control group, so there we go. So we've brought them all in here and now I'm going to right click, make a null, and then I'm going to call this control. We're basically just bringing in data kind of level by level so everything isn't grabbing anything from too far away. And there's a few different reasons for doing this. So now we have this nice clean null called control that I can access from all of these…
