From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Building the UI - camSwitcher

Building the UI - camSwitcher - TouchDesigner Tutorial

From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

Building the UI - camSwitcher

- [Narrator] So we've built our table switcher to get our different camera positions. Let's go into the project here, and just see what we've got. Yeah, we've got our little dat that is selecting out, and then is driving our camera by our camera referencing that table. So what we're going to do now is we're going to go up a level. We're going to go into our UI and now we're going to make another container. So I'm going to type tab, comp, container. We're going to call this one camera. I know that I want this to be 100 wide by 200 tall, okay. So this is our different camera one. So I'm going to go inside there, hit tab, and I'm going to lay down a button. I know I want this button to be 100 units wide, okay. Let me just stop the scene, for a second. I'm just going to wiggle this until it becomes the right aspect ratio, and we're going to go inside this button. I'm going to select this text top, and I'm going to call this cam one. So now I'm going to copy and paste that, going here, cam…
