From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Building the UI - animationSwitcher

Building the UI - animationSwitcher - TouchDesigner Tutorial

From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

Building the UI - animationSwitcher

- [Narrator] The next user-interface control we're going to add is to switch the animations that are playing on the screens of the displays on our scene. So, let me go to F1 here. I'm going to turn off auto-rotate, and obviously we have our little animation we made over here before, that's playing on these different screens, and what we're going to do is I've made a variation of that and we're going to build some things we can switch between them. There's a lot of clear advantages to being able to switch different videos or different textures to what we're playing in real time. So, I'm going to hit Escape here, go into project one. I'm going to into our animations container here and you can see that now we have animation1, and animation2. Just a subtle variation of what we had done before to be able to show you something. So I'm going to move the out1 over here. I'm going to go Tab, make sure we're in our Tops and Types Switch. I'm going to wire the first animation to switch, and then…
