From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Building the fps component

Building the fps component - TouchDesigner Tutorial

From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

Building the fps component

- [Narrator] Now that we've packaged up and cleaned up our 3D scene, we go inside project one here and you can see that we made all these nice containers that are for elements. We're going to take it one step further, and I'm going to make another container. Go to My Comp, go to Container, and I'm making containers called "3D". Now I'm going to grab all of the nodes here, all of the virus containers and nodes, hit control X, bring my 3D container to the center of the scene, go inside of it with the I key and paste everything down. Now I've made a module with all this 3D stuff embedded together, and we've got our out node here, so everything's cool. Hit the U key to go outside of this, go to the common tab and change the node view to Operator Viewer, and there we go. Now we have a container with our entire 3D system doing everything including the geometry and shaders and lighting and rendering and everything and just kicking an image out one side. So that's a great way to compactly…
