Dal corso: Learning TouchDesigner

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Adding 2D animation to signage

Adding 2D animation to signage

- [Instructor] So we've got all our scene components working really nicely in here, I'm just going to hit F1 and go into Perform mode. We've got our geometry rendering, we've got our environment sphere, everything is set up nicely. The next thing we're going to do is, we're going to bring in the 2D animation that we created in the second chapter and map that onto these areas you can see here that we've allocated to be these billboards. And this is to illustrate how we can create things in different ways in Touch, and mix and match and combine them and really have a lot of different things happening in concert together. So I'm going to go hit Escape, go back into Designer mode, go into our project1 here, and you can see that we have our Animations, a little component here that I've added in. And if I go inside here, you can see that this is what we had built in the second chapter. So you can see that the output isn't working quite properly. Sometimes this feedback top here needs a…
