From the course: Learning to Write Marketing Copy

What you should know

- This course is not about writing for search engines. I will not talk about keyword density. We will talk about writing for the web and writing for online customers. I've been doing search engine optimization for 15 years and I can tell you that keyword density doesn't work anymore. Great writing works. Great structure works. That will give you what you need to write great content for both customers and search engines. You can watch and not write, but writing skill is as much a muscle as a talent. I still write 1,000 words a day just to stay in shape. This course should work you into that so it's part of your routine. So do all of the exercises in this course at least once. Just write. I'll make you a deal. For the duration of the course, remove the backspace delete key from your keyboard. Don't really do that, but the other option is just repeat after me. In this course I will delete nothing before it is written. We all do it. We start writing a sentence, then we purse our lips and we hit backspace. Try not to. It's giving in to a silliness we're taught from grade school onward. Right around second grade our teachers start reading our writing and marking big X's where we misspell, use incorrect grammar, or otherwise run afoul of the rules. From then on, we're taught to be afraid of writing. Don't be. Instead, delete nothing before it's written. Right now it's just you and me. No one's watching and if you're writing and working to improve your writing, then you're kind of awesome. So write. If you can't think of what to write, then write down I can't think of what to write. Get used to putting your thoughts down on paper, real or virtual, without a filter. After a while, it gets to be really, really fun.
