From the course: Learning to Write Marketing Copy

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Testing your headlines

Testing your headlines

- Headlines are hard to write and crucial to the success of your marketing copy. That's the bad news. The good news is that you now have a few easy ways to test your headlines and see which ones work best. Here's how I do it. First, pick your favorite two or three headlines. If you have a massive audience of tens or even hundreds of thousands of folks who will see the headline, you can maybe break it up into more than two or three tests. Otherwise, keep it to two or three. Next, run your test. These are my four favorite test techniques. First is just ask. An easy way to do this is to go to Google Consumer Surveys. They have a great tool where you can just type in your headlines, send out a one question survey like, "Which headline do you like better?" and then tally the results. You can also run an ad. If your headlines are short enough, you can put them in a paid ad on something like Google AdWords or…
