From the course: Learning the Arturia Collection

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Synclavier V history

Synclavier V history

- [Instructor] The Synclavier V is a software recreation of the classic Synclavier Digital Synthesizer. It's unique, in that it combines additive FM and tamber frame synthesis. Developed by the original Synclavier software designer, Cameron Jones, the DSP engine of Synclavier V authentically reproduces the sound of the FM 8-bit voice cards of the Synclavier. The original Synclavier is a digital music synthesizer. It's powered by 16-bit mini computer processor controlling 8-bit additive FM and tamber frame synthesizer voices. There's a green screen, or CRT monitor, which is also used to enter and edit sounds, music events, and computer files. These were originally all stored on 5.2 floppy discs, and later on, hard disc drives. Creation of the first Synclavier began in 1972, at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, by music professor John Appleton, and Thayer School engineering professor, Frederick J. Hooven. Sydney Alonso was a research associate at the engineering school, and…
