From the course: Learning the Arturia Collection

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Navigating the SEM interface

Navigating the SEM interface - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Learning the Arturia Collection

Navigating the SEM interface

- [Narrator] One of the nice things about the SEMV is that all the controls are laid out on this really simple panel where everything is easy to use and right in front of you. Let's dive in. So, from left to right. We have our arpeggiator with some basic parameters for controlling the direction of the arpeggiation, the octaves, we also have basic parameters like tune, portamento. We have a sub oscillator. A second LFO. We have VCO one and two, our voltage controlled oscillator. We have our two envelopes below that. A filter to the right of that. And then we have our output controls as well as some basic controls over three effects on the front panel. We can actually control more of the parameters of those effects under the hood. I'll show you that a little bit later. For now, let's check out the basic preset and hear some things that we might want to adjust when we're working with this synth. So I'm going to hold down one of the notes here. (techno music) And we have this nice kind of…
