From the course: Learning the Arturia Collection

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History of the Moog Modular

History of the Moog Modular

- [Instructor] In 1964, the first prototype of a synthesizer designed by Bob Moog was produced. It was a modular system with a voltage-controlled filter, an envelope generator, a white noise generator, a trigger and two keyboards, each with a generator module as well as a voltage-controlled amplifier. Other musicians helped Robert Moog in crafting different modules. For example, Walter or Wendy Carlos helped for elaboration of the sequencer. He also pushed Robert Moog to lend his name to the machines. Vladimir Ussachevsky, who was one of the first professors of Walter or Wendy Carlos, specified the four parts of the envelope generator of ADSR, allowing the accomplishment of the VCA and gave him the idea for the envelope follower. Gustav Chiamanga helped with the creation of the first tension-controlled low-pass filter. A second prototype regrouping all the new modules was built during the summer of 1964 and this was presented during the AES or Audio Engineering Society show. The first…
