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CMI history

CMI history

- [Narrator] The CMI V is a software recreation of the legendary Fairlight CMI IIX. This stands for computer musical instrument. The Fairlight CMI was a digital sampler, synthesizer, and audio work station and it was introduced in 1979 by founders Peter Vogel and Kim Ryrie. It was one of the first music workstations with a digital sampling synthesizer included. The Fairlight rose to prominence in the early 80s, and the second version of the Fairlight CMI which the CMI-V emulates was released at a price of nearly $32,000 in 1982. CMI's popularity peaked in 1982 when it's said that Peter Gabriel used 64 kilobytes worth of samples of world music instruments on his fourth studio album. Keep in mind 64 kilobytes was a lot at the time. The popularity of series two was in large part due to new features and the first true music sequencer. One of the things that's really important to note about the sequencer is that it was able to graphically depict editable notes horizontally from left to…
