From the course: Learning Terraform

What you need

- [Instructor] Before we get started, let's cover what you'll need and what you'll need to know before starting this course. To keep things focused on Terraform itself, all of the exercises for this course will take place in a web browser using cloud-based services, so there's no need for a powerful workstation. Although we'll be using GitHub in this course for editing and managing Terraform code, we'll be sticking to the most basic features, so you don't really need to know Git to follow along. Terraform works on many different cloud platforms. For the exercises in this course, we'll just use Amazon AWS, so you'll need an AWS account. And we may incur some charges beyond the free tier. It's unlikely that it will be more than a few dollars worth, and that's only if you let things run for a long time. You certainly don't need to be an AWS expert to be successful in this course, but ideally, you'll have some familiarity with different types of AWS resources and how to work with it. If you're very experienced with another platform, like Google Cloud or Azure, you'll probably be fine, as well, if you're willing to do a little mental translation between different resources. Since this course is about Terraform itself, we're not actually going to be doing much with the systems and infrastructure that we set up. That means you don't really need to be an expert in managing servers for this course. You should know the basics of how to work in Windows or Linux. And we'll get into some basic networking concepts, so you'll need familiarity there as well.
