From the course: Learning Sylenth

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Understanding oscillator controls

Understanding oscillator controls - Sylenth Tutorial

From the course: Learning Sylenth

Understanding oscillator controls

- [Instructor] Let's continue to explore our oscillator section in Sylenth. So moving on, I've reinitialized this patch by hitting command j and let's go from left to right here. So, we can see we have an octave control which changes the pitch of the oscillator up or down an octaves. This can be great especially if you're working with a small midi controller or keyboard (sin wave) And then below this, we have control over semitones. And here, the range goes from minus seven to plus seven (synth tuning) And I can double click to reset that to zero. Now this is helpful when layering multiple oscillators. So I'm gonna go ahead and select saw for oscillator two and bring up the voices to one. (synth) Now, right now, you don't have any difference because they are playing with the same settings (synth) but here, if I go up in semi tones (synth) (sound altering) That's when you can really start to hear the difference. I'm gonna go ahead and reset that and let's turn off this oscillator…
