From the course: Learning Sylenth

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The Arpeggiator

The Arpeggiator

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at our arpeggiator. The arpeggiator is an automated MIDI sequencer. It's gonna play the notes you play on the keyboard in a melodic order defined in the mode setting. So, here's our mode, and if I play this chord here, (electronic piano music) you see up is going to play in ascending order. If I play down, (electronic piano music) descending order, and so on. Then there are other combinations like random. (electronic piano music) And then we have some other modes here as well, up, down, and different combinations. So finally, we have another two modes here that relate to our step sequencer below. There's step mode and chord mode. Those are going to play notes in the order defined by the step sequencer, which is down at the bottom here. We're gonna cover that in just a second. But essentially, with step mode here, it's going to only play one note at a time. While you're in step chord mode, it's going to play chords, which will be arranged by the…
