From the course: Learning Sylenth

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Polyphony, voices, and other parameters

Polyphony, voices, and other parameters - Sylenth Tutorial

From the course: Learning Sylenth

Polyphony, voices, and other parameters

- [Instructor] Before we dive in and cover Sylenth's effects in detail in the next chapter, I want to quickly come back to the voices on our oscillators and how they relate to polyphony, which, you can see settings for polyphony on the upper left-hand corner of Silenth. We're also gonna cover mono legato and portamento in the lower right-hand corner. So, let's check this out. Okay, I've initialized a patch and you can see that the default number of voices on our oscillator is one, the others are turned off for right now, and polyphony is set to three. So, if I brought polyphony down and played the notes on the keyboard, you can see I'm triggering notes here, we don't hear any sound. We need to have at least one note of polyphony here in order to make sounds, but what that also means is that we can play one note at a time. So. (several notes) Essentially, that's putting Sylenth into a mode that's kind of like a mono-synth, and there are many vintage analog synths that are mono, where…
