From the course: Learning Sylenth

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Making a soulful organ

Making a soulful organ - Sylenth Tutorial

From the course: Learning Sylenth

Making a soulful organ

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're gonna cover creating an organ sound from scratch. And just in case you're skeptical, and thought, maybe we're doing this video editing tricks, I'm gonna start with our kick drum. (drums beating) We're gonna clear out this patch, initialize the patch by hitting, command j. (machine buzzes) Now, we're back to scratch here. And let's go in and create our organ. So, to get started here, I'm gonna bring in a sine wave on oscillator one. And I'm gonna give this four voices. (organ music) And let's go ahead on oscillator two, I'm gonna give that four voices, as well. But let's bump this up an octave here. (organ music) Let's also de-tune this a little bit. (organ music) Okay, cool. And now, let's go ahead on part B, I'm gonna make this a sine wave, as well. I'm gonna give this four voices. Let's bump this up an octave. And also transpose it a little bit here. (organ music) Also, gonna bring this down in volume. Let's also give this a bit more polyphony…
