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Using mnemonic devices

Using mnemonic devices

- A mnemonic device is a memory technique that helps you remember information. You may have used one before to remember topics that relate to music, math, geography, or a variety of other subjects. For example, one type of mnemonic related to music helps you remember the lines of the treble clef, Every Good Boy Does Fine. Another type of mnemonic device helps you remember the order of operations in mathematics. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. Here's a geographic mnemonic to help you remember The Great Lakes, HOMES. It stands for Lake Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior. Mnemonic devices come in a variety of formats. They can be acronyms, rhymes, memorable phrases, songs, and can even take visual forms. For example, to remember the number of days in each month, you can use the knuckle mnemonic. Going from left to right, you can figure out which months have 30 versus 31 days. Each knuckle represents 31 days, and each valley before the next knuckle represents 30 days, or in…
