From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Dealing with charts and diagrams

Dealing with charts and diagrams

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Dealing with charts and diagrams

- In this lesson we're going to discuss how to deal with reading that includes charts, diagrams, formulas, or any other situations where you need to stop reading and analyze something. First off, let's think about how many people approach this kind of situation. They're reading through their material and at some point they encounter text that reads something like, "refer to figure 2.4". Then they continue reading the paragraph or the page and eventually they'll stop to analyze figure 2.4. Have you ever looked at the diagram and had trouble understanding it? It could be because it's very complex, but we still need to have a way of understanding this information. So, it comes down to this, when should you look at the diagram? At the end of the sentence or paragraph? At the end of the page when you encounter it? Here's what I suggest you do: the moment you read the words, "refer to figure 2.4", you should stop reading and refer to figure 2.4. Now, I know that sounds obvious, but this is…
