From the course: Learning Serum

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The Matrix section

The Matrix section - Serum Tutorial

From the course: Learning Serum

The Matrix section

- [Instructor] Serum allows several ways to route and adjust modulation sources and depth. We've already taken a look at the drag and drop method, so let's see how you can use contextual menus and the Matrix section to assign and manage the modulation setup in a Serum preset. If you've already found your way into the Matrix view, you've probably thought, this looks really complicated and why would I want to use this? Well, let's take a look at a good example. Let's go up to the Presets and into the Pads subfolder and let's pull up Defiant and then let's click on the Matrix tab. If you pull the scroll bar up and down, you'll see that it looks like there's about 20 or so modulation assignments in this preset. Now, the little arrow above that, if you click on it, we can actually sort the list by destination and we would immediately see, wow there's three things alone that are modulating the Filter Cutoff. And if I do the same thing by source, I'll see that the Mod Wheel is modulating…
