From the course: Learning Serum

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Oscillator phase

Oscillator phase - Serum Tutorial

From the course: Learning Serum

Oscillator phase

Synth phase perimeters can be used to both create effects or solve some interesting problems. Let's take a look at Serum's two phase controls. And those are found on oscillators A and B, right here, just below the wave form display, and it's phase and random. Now, phase determines the point in the wave form where playback starts, when a key is depressed. And random will actually randomly alter that phase start point. So to demonstrate this, we need to have two oscillators playing the same wave form. So if you haven't, let's go up to menu and lets' initialize Serum. And let's turn on oscillator B and pull the level back just a little bit. Let's also take the random setting and let's put that on zero. So now when I press the key and I change the phase amount, you'll actually hear the two wave forms slip out of alignment with each other. (synth beeping) And you can see that yellow line showing you the phase star point. So as we do that, you heard the level get a little bit less and as…
