From the course: Learning Revit Families

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Adding an inserted component

Adding an inserted component - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit Families

Adding an inserted component

- [Narrator] Okay, let's add a door insert panel, and then learn how to specify material parameters. When designing a door panel such as one with styles and rails, need to be flexible in terms of materials, right? If we added a material here in the family, ask this question, "How could we change the material "in the project?" Sure, we can make a few material parameters, and we're going to do that, but how do those parameters get linked to the actual extrusions that make up the parts of the doors? And also how does the model even know which parts these pieces even are? The objective of this lesson is to map materials so the end user can edit them without having to open the family. So, in Revit, I'm going to open my Door Radius Header Insert model, or just keep following along. Now I want to add a panel, actually to the very middle of this door. So we're going to need a new reference plane for that. Under Floor…
