From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

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Write modules: Write manually

Write modules: Write manually - Puppet Tutorial

From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

Write modules: Write manually

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen how modules are structured, we're going to write a simple module for managing Minecraft servers. We'll follow an iterative approach, which is generally how Puppet modules are developed. First, the module will be mostly in a single script and we'll expand from there. Before creating a module, you should start by thinking about the problem you want to solve. In this case, I'd like to create a module that will download and install a Minecraft server and set up some of the basic config files needed to run the server. Later, we'll add more functions to this module, but this is enough for the first draft. If you're working with an unfamiliar software package, it's sometimes easier to set things up by hand first to learn how to Puppetize it. As you go, you can make note of each of the steps. Let's set up a disposable node that we can use for that. Just add another docker agent node resource to the profile agent node class. I'm going to head over to GitHub…
