From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

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Solution: Installing SSH and adding hosts

Solution: Installing SSH and adding hosts - Puppet Tutorial

From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

Solution: Installing SSH and adding hosts

- Let's go through an example solution to the ssh challenge. First, I'm going to generate an ssh key pair that we can use. Logged in as root, on the master, just run ssh-keygen. We'll accept the default file locations, and leave the passphrase blank. I'm going to cat that file out, so that I can copy it, and use it in my puppet code. We want the public key. I'm just going to copy this middle part, right up until root@master.puppet.vm. Back in the control_repo, I'm going to add that key into the ssh_server class that was provided in the exercise files. So, I'll go to site/profile, and I've already added in that file. I'm going to click the pencil, and it should be pasted right in here, under key. We'll make sure that we have the right quotes at the end of this really long string. So, we need a single quote before that comma. Now, I'll commit the changes. To get our notes set up with the ssh_server, we have a few options. We could add the profile to each role, but I'm actually going to…
