From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

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Set up a control repo

Set up a control repo - Puppet Tutorial

From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

Set up a control repo

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll create a control repo on If you prefer to work with your own Git server, you could easily do this with GitLab or GitT which both offer an in-browser editor. If you're already familiar with Git, you can use whatever workflow you're used to but be aware that you may need to set some different settings in our config files on the master. If you don't already have a GitHub account, create one now and log in. To get a more in-depth introduction, we have other courses on our library on GitHub. Click the plus sign in the menu and select New repository. Give your repository the name control_repo using an underscore for the space and make sure it's set to Public. It is possible use a private Git repository but we'll set it to public to keep the configuration simple. Click the checkbox Initialize this repository with a README. We'll be editing that file to learn how the GitHub…
