From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

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Orchestration in Puppet

Orchestration in Puppet - Puppet Tutorial

From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

Orchestration in Puppet

- [Instructor] Puppet is great at bringing an individual node into the desired state but what do you do when you want to orchestrate Puppet across multiple nodes? In this video, we'll review several of the orchestration options with Puppet. First, we'll talk about MCollective, which is an open source package that is pretty widely used and has been for a long time. Then, we'll talk about directly triggering Puppet with a tool like Ansible or SSH. Finally, we'll look at Puppet Bolt, which is the new open source Puppet orchestration tool. MCollective is a tool that's been bundled with Puppet for several years. The name stands for Marionette Collective and it's a way of triggering actions on nodes. This could be as simple as triggering a Puppet run or as complex as running sophisticated reports on every node in your infrastructure. MCollective operates on a publish-subscribe model where a single server, generally your Puppet…
