From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

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Editing the Puppetfile

Editing the Puppetfile - Puppet Tutorial

From the course: Learning Puppet (2017)

Editing the Puppetfile

- [Josh] Jump over to your control_repo in GitHub and click create new file. We'll give the file the name Puppetfile with a capital P. And then for the content, we'll just enter the module we'll be using and any dependencies. And you can copy paste from the Forge so that you've got the right syntax, but I'm just going to type them out. So mod puppet/nginx and because of that warning we saw, I'm going to actually pin the version, and you do that by using a comma and then the version number in single quotes. And then we need to put in the dependencies. So that was puppetlabs/stdlib, Puppetlabs/concat, and puppetlabs/translate. If you leave the version off, r10k will just download the latest version of the module, and this can be helpful in seeing if an update will break something. So you might end up keeping the versions off while you're testing and then pinning them right before you ship something to production.…
