From the course: Learning Music Notation

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Whole, half, and quarter rests

Whole, half, and quarter rests

From the course: Learning Music Notation

Whole, half, and quarter rests

- [Narrator] When notating music, there needs to be a method of indicating places where there is no sound just the way that we indicate note values. As a group, symbols that indicate this space are referred to as rests. So, for each of the note values we've learned so far, the whole note, half note, and quarter note, there is a corresponding rest. So a whole note rest is a rectangular shape that hangs from the second line in a staff. Let me draw one. So there's a whole rest. A half rest is that same shape but it sits on the middle line of the staff. I should be able to draw two of these since they're worth half the value of a whole note. So, a quarter note rest is kind of hard to draw. Looks something like this. And, when I try and convert this, my program probably isn't gonna like it. Yeah, it turns orange, it tells me it doesn't like it. So, instead it's gonna ask me to do more of an S shape. When I convert it, notice that it gives us the quarter note shape. So it's kind of that S…
