From the course: Learning Moodle 3.11

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- [Instructor] In an earlier video, we discussed the announcement feature, which allows you to post updates to your entire class all at one time. There may be times however that you need to send a message to an individual student or a particular group of students. Let's take a look at how we can do this inside of Moodle. I'll put the top, on the navigation bar, over to the right we have the notification icon. This will tell you of any notifications that you have. Next to this, we have the message icon. I'm going to go ahead and click on that. And it brings out this side panel. Here we'll be able to see any conversations that we have going. Once you star them, they'll appear in this starred area. You also have group messages as well as private messages. Now up at the top, I can search for any student or if there's another instructor in my course, I can go ahead and search for them here. I'm going to go in and type in…
