From the course: Learning Moodle 3.11

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- [Oliver] Thank you for joining me in this course. Hopefully it helped you to develop a better understanding of the Moodle platform and how you can use it. In this course, we went over the basics for getting your course up and running on Moodle. If you'd like to learn more about some of the features that we didn't discuss, or you want to dive deeper into Moodle, check out the website. From this page, you can click on Documentation up at the top, and you can see here that you have a plethora of different resources, guides that will help you to learn more about Moodle. Also, to dive deeper into some of the assessment features and activities, check out the Moodle: Assessing Learning course in our library. I also strongly recommend downloading and exploring the Moodle mobile app. The app has been improved and has great functionality. More and more learners are accessing their learning through a mobile device,…
