Do curso: Learning Moodle 3.11

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- [Instructor] One of my favorite features inside of Moodle is the ability to switch roles, or to look at your course from the perspective of a student. Now, with recent versions of Moodle, this is easier than ever, and I can do it by going to the drop-down up by my profile picture. So up here, next to my profile picture, I'll click on that. And at the bottom, I want to select Switch Role To. Once I do this, it asks if I want to switch to a non-editing teacher, a learner or a guest. And in this case, I want to switch to see what it looks like to the learners. I'll click here. And this is what my page will look like to the learners. I can scroll down and see that dashboard. Now, this feature will be even more important later, once we've started to add activities, assignments, quizzes, and other things. It's important to take a look at your course through the perspective of a student to make sure that you know how it…
