From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Moog Mother-32 Semimodular Synth

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The oscillator section

The oscillator section

- [Instructor] Now that we have a basic patch set up, let's start by exploring the tone generation or oscillator section of the Mother-32 in more depth. Again, I'm going to start with the frequency centered here 12 o'clock. It does have a plus or minus one octave range. Easy to nudge another control by accident while you're turning another one. So I'll turn that back down. And again, down here are your octave selectors. I can choose higher octaves and lower ones. So low you can hear each individual cycle of the oscillator playing out. I'm going to go back up to four, it's this nice mid range. Now we started with a saw tooth waveform initially because it has every single harmonic. Therefore, it's a very bright sound. People tend to use the saw tooth for very brassy type sounds. The alternative is a pulse wave form which is actually my personal favorite. Switch up that. You hear it's more rounded and more bassy. That's becomes it only has odd harmonics as opposed to having both odd and…
