From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Moog Mother-32 Semimodular Synth

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Mounting the Mother-32

Mounting the Mother-32

(electric screwdriver whirring) - [Instructor] Now as I mentioned back in the introduction, the real power of the Mother-32 is that it is a semi-modular synthesizer. That means you can extend it, either by re-patching the way it's wired internally, or connecting it to other modules. So let's focus on that for awhile. Now you can leave the Mother-32 inside its own case, with its own power, and its own audio output, and connect its patchbay, using long patch cords, into whatever other modules you have. But I'm the type of person who likes to have everything in one place. So let's take the Mother-32 out of its case, and mount it into a Eurorack-format modular case. To do that, definitely remove the power first. Go ahead and remove the audio. And pull the MIDI. And then you'll need a screwdriver, such as this electric screwdriver, to get it out of its case. I'm going to undo its eight screws here in the corners. There we go. Bear with me while I do this, shouldn't take too long. The…
