From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Moog Mother-32 Semimodular Synth

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Editing a sequence

Editing a sequence

(electronic music) - [Instructor] Now that we've created a new sequence, and saved it, most importantly. If you forgot that, watch the end of the last movie. We're going to edit those two sequences we've recorded in the prior two movies. For example, in this sequence that we just did, (electronic music snippet) Let's this tie and glide just isn't working for me. I want to get rid of that. I can edit a sequence while it's playing or while it's paused. Just for clarity right now, I'm going to stop it, so you can hear me over this playing back. To edit the sequence, select the sequence number you want to be in. In this case, pattern number five. And then hold down shift and the number of the step you want to edit. In this case, I want to take the tie off of step five, make it a short note, and I want to take the glide off of step six. So I'm going to hold down shift and five. It'll start blinking to show me that I'm going to edit that particular step. I set my gate duration down to…
