From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Moog Mother-32 Semimodular Synth

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Basic playback and recording

Basic playback and recording

(electronic music plays) - [Narrator] This chapter is all about using the sequencer in the Mother-32. This movie, I'll go over some basics of playing back and creating sequences, then we'll get into more advanced sequence creation and editing, including some live playback tricks. Right now, I have the basic patch that I showed you in the first movie in a previous chapter. (electronic notes play) Kind of a buzzy sawtooth. For practice, let's go ahead and edit this to make it something more interesting. (plays electronic notes) You know I prefer square waves, so I'll switch to that. (plays electronic notes) Add a little bit of modulation, LFO, going to my mod source, going to pulse width. (plays electronic tone) Just add some animation and movement to the sound. Bring down the filter cut off. (plays electronic tone) And the modulation amount. (plays electronic notes) Add a bit more resonance to give more character to the sound. (plays electronic notes) Okay, that should be a good sound…
