From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Eurorack Expansion

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WMD MME: Envelope shapes

WMD MME: Envelope shapes

(modular synth notes) - [Instructor] Let's play around with some of the different shapes that the multimode envelope has to offer. Straight up is a linear attack shape, and you can see that in the way it draws on the data. (modular synth note) A typical attack shape has it rotated slightly counterclockwise, a log shape. (modular synth note) Where it tapers off a bit as it hits its top, or hits its peak value. (modular synth note) A little slower. I have a pretty fast decay, let's slow that down a little bit. (modular synth note) You can go to quite an extreme log envelope where it takes forever to finally round off and hit that top value. (modular synth note) Kind of an unnatural curve at that point. I like something in this range. (modular synth note) Which is more of a truncated log attack. Similar to what we're used to say from the old Moog synthesizers. You can go the other extreme where it takes on an exponential attack. We'll start to see the shape change a little bit. (modular…
