From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Eurorack Expansion

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Getting sound out

Getting sound out

(electronic music) - [Instructor] One of the first modules you might want to consider for your synth is a dedicated output module. You have the advantage of giving you headphone outputs as well as outputs that are better adapted to the levels expected by your mixer. However, not everybody uses a dedicated output module. They'll plug straight from the output of the modular into their mixer. Let me show you the pros and cons of that approach. Most desktop synths, keyboards, et cetera, have a line level output, which has a signal level of about plus or minus one volts. Indeed, the Moog Mother-32 came in its own case that had a little board inside that adapted its level down to line level and headphone level. However, Eurorack format synths have audio levels that typically run 10 to as much as 20 volts peak-to-peak. Let's look at the output of a Mother in Eurorack configuration on our oscilloscope. Each one of those little divisions represents two volts. I'll start a sequence playing. You…
