Del curso: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

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Tremolo with LFO delay and fade-in

Tremolo with LFO delay and fade-in

(piano tone) - [Instructor] Let's learn a few more tricks with our LFO. This time, let's use it to control the tremolo, or the amplitude of our sound to make it automatically raise and lower in volume. I'm going to choose the Template again. This time a Triangle, which is a nice, gentle wave of the more piper flute-like. (flute tones) Maybe a slower attack here. (flute tones) Maybe even go up an octave. (flute tones) Okay. Rather than having this note hold at a steady volume, it might be nice if it faded in and faded out. To do that, we're going to take the LFO, let's try a sine wave in this case, and this time I'm going to run it to the AM, the amplitude modulation input on my VCA. That will alter the voltage, and therefore, the loudness of the VCA over time. I'll patch that in, hold a note, change this down to a mid frequency rather than (mumbles). And increase the depth of that amplitude (mumbles) modulation by clicking just off the jack, dragging it upward, deciding how much I…
