From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

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Modulating the filter

Modulating the filter

(aggressive synth music) - [Instructor] In the first chapter, I did focus on more melodic sounds, however our trend in modular synthesis these days is to go for harsher, more aggressive sounds, and one way to create those types of sounds is to use your oscillator to modulate something such as your filter cutoff. This creates some very interesting complex harmonics. I'm going to start with a template patch of one oscillator, one filter. So, I have my normal sawtooth through a low-pass filter patch. (gentle synth music) Then I'm going to grab my second oscillator, maybe the triangle output, and set that to the modulation input on my low-pass filter. Now I'm going to play a note, (sustained note) and bring up the pulse width of the triangle wave so we can hear it. (intense sustained note) You can hear a bit of distortion going on in the sound, particularly when I change the cutoff frequency. (distorted sustained note) Right now they're tuned to the same octave, just a little bit of…
