From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

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Low-frequency oscillator (LFO) wave shapes

Low-frequency oscillator (LFO) wave shapes - Modular V Tutorial

From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

Low-frequency oscillator (LFO) wave shapes

- [Instructor] In the earlier movie, I'm patching a typical synthesizer voice we used in LFO, a low frequency oscillator, to vary something such as the filter cutoff frequency. As opposed to an envelope, which re-articulates on every single note, an LFO typically continues to do its function whether or not you're playing a brand new note. Although you can also have it follow the envelope and I'll show that later. For the remainder of this chapter, we're going to show some more advanced uses of LFO's. But first in this movie, let's explore these different wave shapes. Now choose the template patch LPF low-pass filter mod. That is a very slow sine wave sweeping our filter up and down. I'm going to go ahead and drop one of these oscillators an octave, just to make a richer sound. By default, the LFO sync's to some division of a MIDI clock that might be coming into it. This case I don't have a MIDI clock coming in, so I can either set it to a medium speed, which tends to be very fast LFO.…
