From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

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Viewing task history

Viewing task history

- [Instructor] I don't know about you but I find it hard to remember what I did yesterday. Thankfully, there is a new feature to help with that on our projects. It is called Task History. In our Dog Park project we can use this to document what's happened with the task, such as progress towards completion and even document what team members have done in case we want to trace their progress. How you access this, it's very simple. Look for your details option and we have a new icon to help us access Task History. Isn't this useful? Let me show you on another task, the same thing and here's again, a great history. So something to think about if you have guest users you don't necessarily have to rely on their notes, you can actually watch what they've done in your project. Now, I should point out as a tip, you can't really time travel and neither can Microsoft. You may not see Task History for some projects that have been…
