From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

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Using grouping features in multiple views

Using grouping features in multiple views

From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

Using grouping features in multiple views

- [Instructor] Now you might have a need not to hide information, like you could be doing in a filter, but instead categorizing and reorganizing a group of tasks while still showing everything. That's typically a group and you do that in Board view. You also can do this in the People view. Now let's start in Board view and do a favorite grouping of mine, which is Priority. So all tasks are showing, but you can focus right in on the urgent items. Another grouping you might consider is let's look at Progress. And again, you can focus in on maybe what's not started. If you do a group on the People tab, it might not exactly do what you would expect. Let me show you. If I group by Priority, it almost seems like it did not do anything, but if you look below the resource names, it actually grouped tasks by those headings. And if I change that again, and let's say Progress, again, it's underneath each resource, it has grouped…
