From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

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Updating task percentages and completed tasks

Updating task percentages and completed tasks

From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

Updating task percentages and completed tasks

- [Instructor] A fast way to update a task is by marking it done or updating its percent complete value. As a reminder, these are our first two tracking methods. Now think about our dog park team and what if we were having a meeting and wanted to quickly update all the progress we have made towards opening our dog park? Then I might want to just go through and mark what's done. This is a quick shortcut to do that, and if you're hearing a ding, that's a great audio indicator that we've completed a task. For me personally, I think of someone saying, great job. Now you could update another way. You can right click on it and complete a task. The advantage of this method is, if you select multiple items, you can mark multiple items at the same time, and once you finish all of the sub-tasks under a heading you will notice Microsoft will mark off the heading for you. Now, let's say we made a mistake here. Can we fix that? You can…
