From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

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Modifying late tasks

Modifying late tasks

- [Instructor] Although we would like to start everything on time, that doesn't always happen. In our Dog Park project, what if a volunteer is not available or needs more time? What if a task needs to get postponed by Wisdom Pet Medicine so they can use their employees for other purposes? And also to continue our discussion with the three tracking methods, you may want to indicate in addition to progress, an actual or projected start or finish date. In all of these instances, you will be updating dates. So my next step is to add the date columns. You will immediately begin to notice when tasks are already late, based on the current date, but modifying a date, whether something is finished, in progress or has not started is a matter of deciding what you would like to change. So for example, we were supposed to start this on the 27th. We didn't really start it till the 29th. It was a couple of days late. Maybe in another…
