From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

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Managing columns

Managing columns

- [Instructor] For those of you familiar with Excel you might expect that working with columns would be exactly the same as Excel. Well, there are some things that are similar and some things that are different. First I'd like to point out the pound signs never show up in Project for the web. When you size a column, you still see the information. So let's talk about all the column features you need to be familiar with to help you throughout this course. Sizing is just a matter of dragging between the headings and as you can see, the information is still visible. Now, some of you may try a double click to size to the largest item. That doesn't work, unfortunately you will have to drag it yourself. Now, other things you might do with columns is hide a column. That's easy with this downward pointing arrow, I can click Hide. Now to bring that back it's Add column and you just click on the item. While there are a couple…
