From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

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Building a task list and correcting mistakes

Building a task list and correcting mistakes

From the course: Learning Microsoft Project for the Web

Building a task list and correcting mistakes

- [Instructor] A junior colleague of mine was given more responsibility on a project after they demonstrated expertise and efficiency in task management. That's a critical skill in your projects. So let's dive into that now. You know one thing I will have to do is add more tasks. So how I do that is I could click here and simply start typing. If you have a long list of tasks to type in, be sure to press the Enter key after each one and you can continue adding new tasks. Well, after you get a list of tasks in, you might realize a few things like, oh, I missed an item. How can I add a new row? Easily. You can use the row selector by right clicking and insert task above. If you prefer to use the keyboard, just select the task name, press your Insert key and you've added a new row. Something else you can do is you can rearrange this list. I always find that after I build a list, it might make more logical sense to put…
