From the course: Learning MASSIVE

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Working with the tabbed center window

Working with the tabbed center window - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE

Working with the tabbed center window

- Okay, so I'm gonna go over a few additional features of Massive here in the middle window, it's this section right here, that I haven't covered yet that you should definitely know about. First is the OSC page. This here is the Glide control. This essentially controls portamento or the slide between notes. So, it will only work though if you engage it over here on this page. Let's go to the Voicing page. So, let's click on Monophonic. This'll tell Massive to only play one voice at a time and to slide between notes. I'll go back to the OSC page. Now, let's play some notes and make adjustments with the Time knob. (distorted buzzing) So, I'm playing two octaves here and I'm just gonna adjust this Time knob. (distorted buzzing) I think you see what that does. These two boxes here are to adjust how the notes glide into each other. When it's set to Equal the notes will take the same amount of time to glide into the next one no matter how far apart or close they are on the keyboard based on…
