From the course: Learning MASSIVE

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Performer and Stepper

Performer and Stepper - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE

Performer and Stepper

- Massive's Performer and Stepper are the other two modulation sources that you can use to modulate parameters, besides Envelopes and LFOs. Let's get into how they work. We're gonna start with a fresh sound here. Okay, if you've been following along with the other videos in this course, you'll already be familiar with how modulation works. If not, I suggest you check out the video on modulation with Envelopes and LFOs before diving into this one. First, let's start with the Performer. Default's the seven, or not in this case, so let's choose it. You can change any of the green tabs here, by the way. Great, so let's dig in to how this works. First, let's assign this to a pitch parameter of oscillator 1. Again, we have to set the range. So, let's look at how the Performer works. This is a sort of simple Envelope sequencer. It's broken into 16 divisions, and each division can have its own separate Envelope curve. You can have two separate Envelope sequencers going at once, which are…
