From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

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Stave Variable filter modes

Stave Variable filter modes - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: Learning MASSIVE X

Stave Variable filter modes

- [Instructor] Massive X has a single filter module, but that does not mean that it's restricted to only one filter, as you will see. Now we've got some basic sound going here from a Sawtooth, (synth music) and what I want to do is go and check out the filter module. So you can turn it on and off by just clicking the F there, and then we have the mode of the module in this dropdown up top. Let's start out with state variable, because basically what state variable allows us to do is have a very controlled filter sound that we can get a whole lot out of. It's got a lot of different modes. That's why it's called state variable. We have low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, and peak, and essentially we just have a very flexible, simple, clean sounding filter here. So I'm going to grab envelope two, going to pop it into the ol' frequency there, and I'll click up to modulate a little bit. Now, many of the filters have a key tracking…
